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Musicians Without Borders collaborates with communities and musicians in conflict regions around the world, bringing music to vulnerable children and young people–also in Palestine. Our work is based on the power of music and the principles of active nonviolence and universal human rights. We unconditionally oppose war and we strive to contribute to inclusive societies based on social justice.

Today, we stand helpless and speechless at the sight of so much suffering caused by military violence. We mourn all victims of this war and urge all people everywhere to press for an immediate ceasefire and care for all victims of violence.

We recognize the fundamental injustice of occupation and apartheid that has fueled this violent conflict for decades and led to ongoing misery, trauma and lost futures. We stress the urgent need to restore justice and human rights for Palestinians and to respect and ensure security, safety and dignity for all children, women and men in the region

Our thoughts and prayers are with all civilians, especially the children, including the children in our beautiful music project in Palestine, Bara’em Ghirass.

Where we can, and when appropriate, Musicians Without Borders will keep our activities going. As every positive act counts, it matters.

War divides. Music connects.

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